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Neil is a pretty modest guy, so he’d prefer this be in the third person. His work has been rated among the top 50 campaigns of the 20th century. His work has won an award or two…or a few hundred. Just check your walls, shelves and annuals. Or the creative maven of your choice. It has been included in the Mad Ave collection of award winning advertising put out by the New York Art Director’s Club. Drossman has often been called a writer’s writer. He has won numerous One Show pencils.

Some of the now-classic lines he’s written include “The evolution of water” for Fiji, “Sports, money and, oh yeah, life” for WBIS TV 31, “Tastes so good cats ask for it by name” (for Meow Mix) and “this is a good place for a Stick Up” for Airwick.


Thanks to the people who helped (in most cases). To Paul Kroger, the great young art director who put this site together for me. And to partner, friend, award winning art director Bob Needleman, and to Frank Fristachi, who was such a great art director that calling him just an art director is an insult) And to Mark Yustein, Nick Gisonde, Jim Peretti, Don Slater, Murray Smith, Larry Osborne and Steve Connors. And Jerry Della Femina,  Larry Plapler, Matt Ryan, Ted Einstein, John Feurgeson, Blair Gennsamer, Linda Tesa and Morty Ashkenoz, full of great ideas and humor.

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